Today I have tried a Mac software “Anyxxxx”, I downloaded it, installed, then removed it by moving the app file into Trash and emptied the Trash after tested.
But after a while, the app poped up a notification which made me knowing that it was still there.
I checked the Login items, no such a app.
By run command launchctl list >> abc.txt
, I finally found the Anyxxx app.
Here the launchctl list
will show all the launched services, but it did not show where the service locate.
I then open the Activity Monitor app, type Anyxxx, will filter the service with the name. I found it, click the detail, will see its location.
Then after I remove the Anyxxx’s App file, I am able to quite the service the App created in the Activity Monitor.
The next step is to restart My Mac, but it is not necessary, I just want to check if the Anyxxx App removed and will not launch automatically again. I am happy the AnyXXX app disappear in the Activiry Monitor and no notifications show again.